Written by Cameron on . Posted in Bergen, Garden State Hoops, Tournaments

009Caldwell College, Caldwell, NJ….. The Fall Metro Classic took place at Caldwell College with schools from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York participating! Some of the local teams that participated included St. Joseph of Montvale, West Milford, St. Mary’s of Rutherford, Rutherford, Becton and Indian Hills! That’s not to mention Newark Eastside and Union Catholic who also were involved! A few of the local players that impressed were Juniors Sean McKinless and Germain Remy(St. Joe’s) Senior Luke Basket(left) and Junior Mike Otero( West Milford), Senior Keith B011acote(right) and Junior Dino Braduric( St. Mary’s) and Senior’s Ryan Warnet(top right) and Mike Korst( Indian Hills)! Union Catholic again d014isplayed their team athleticsm, while Newark Eastside continues to showcase the depth of talent on their squad as Division 1 commits Ismael Sonago(Seton Hall) and Abdul Lewis(South Alabama) and Senior Akbar Hoffman did not participate and they still were a tough out in each contest!

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