Written by Cameron on . Posted in Eastside, Garden State Hoops

  20150720_221925-1 Paterson athletics lost a legend this weekend as legendary Eastside Highschool basketball Coach Henry Baker Sr. passed away! Coach Baker spent 2 parts of 22 seasons as the Head Coach at Eastside and accumulated 346 wins during his tenure!  He also did a stint at Passaic Community College! Coach Baker’s influence on his player’s goes way beyond the Basketball Court as he took predominantly low income players and taught them their was a future outside of basketball! His primary theme to his players was to get an education and become a positive force in your community! By and large the majority did just that! He taught Life Le20150720_221420-120150720_221237-1ssons and was a Coach who held his kids accountable! From the Star player to the last sub he treated his guys equally! Mr.Baker was a force in the Community of Paterson and even though he spent his final years in Georgia his legacy still stood strong! Gardenstatehoops would like to express it’s deepest sympathy and condolences to the Baker family and all the players he inspired throughout the years! May he rest in peace!

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